Friday, May 2, 2008


Well, now we have termites. I'm not making this up. I could, but why bother when good shit actually happens anyway. So I've learned several things about bugs here...

1. When the bug guy shows up, you're supposed to have caught a bug so he knows what kind it is. I know you're thinking I can't be serious, but this was actually said to me)
2. Termites don't eat people, only wood, so unless you're made of wood, no worries.
3. Windex kills termites.
4. Termites are not welcome here.
5. The bug guy gets offended when you follow him around with soap telling him to wash his hands and not touch the bugs, they're gross. Well, I'm sorry bug dude but it's true.
6. Termites are different looking than fleas and you're dumb if you can't tell the difference.
7. Houston sucks.
8. Bugs suck.
9. Vodka doesn't suck.
10. Dyed shoes are stupid.

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