Saturday, April 26, 2008


It's official... the apartment in oh so wonderful Houston had fleas. Eww gross yuck, how the hell did that happen... all solid reactions to this. We have no idea how this happened. The place is clean, there has never been a pet in here, and yet, Lindsay and I are covered in ichy bug bites. Thanks to enough chemicals to kill (insert something you detest here) we are now bug free... but this leads me to complain about the educational state of bugs in general. Months ago, shortly after we realized that this is a wild kingdom of creatures down here (did you know that Armadillos really exist... I thought they were just funny looking cartoon creations) I put up a very neatly written sign explaining to the bugs that they were not allowed inside our place, upon penalty of death. I also had Andrea translate this into Spanish in the footnote, as Texas has a very large Spanish speaking population. How could this be any nicer and clearer you ask... it couldn't. We have upheld our part of the agreement, and frankly we expect the same from the bugs. So if the bugs happen to be reading this, we are disapointed. You have let down your educational system... much like Bush... and you should be ashamed.

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